Great afternoon hanging out with our Relational Mission #Swale friends Mike & Lynne, Matthew & Helene, Sam & Steph & their beautiful families. We had a tasty BBQ at ours then walked to the local park for some family fun in the sun - Mission is always best when done with friends! #relationalmission #moretogether #sheppey #faversham #sittingbourne
It was fab to have such a great turnout for An Evening with Luke. We had the pleasure of hosting 22 friends from across Relational Mission churches in Canterbury, Faversham, Medway, Maidstone & Sittingbourne to hear nuggets of pioneering wisdom from Luke Morrisson of Risen Light Church Helsinki.
It's great that even when we are little more than a handful of people gathering together in a room we can still play our part in getting caught up in apostolic mission to nations with friends! #moretogether #relationalmission #kent #newfrontiers #pioneering #missionalchurch
Weds, 21st November 2018
7pm until 10pm @ Ypres Tavern, Sittingbourne (ME10 1AP) We’re really excited to have our good friend Luke Morrison from Risen Light Church Helsinki with us for a few days in November. Luke & Alison Morrison have been living in Helsinki giving their all to pioneer the Risen Light Church Helsinki plant since 2015 along with Kevin & Lydia Jones who moved in 2013. Risen Light Church Helsinki is coming into a real season of fruitfulness having gone through ups and downs along their pioneering journey. We’ll be gathering for An Evening with Luke at the Ypres Tavern on Sittingbourne High Street for a sit down meal and drinks in their private function room. Once we’ve finished our food we’ll have time to hear some of Lukes stories and perspectives on their Helsinki adventure and living life on a mission, in particular highlighting some of the realities of pioneering both when it’s joyous and maybe when it's not so! We'll be having curry with a choice of two curries (one mild, one hot) served with rice, poppadum and naan bread. The cost is £7.50 per person plus drinks, which must be bought from the bar (you can't bring your own). Booking is essential beforehand using the link below so we can let the venue know ahead of time how many to cater for. We’re believing this will be a formative time for us as a church as we further develop relational connections with our pioneering friends in Helsinki. We’re also inviting pioneering minded friends from further afield that may find the evening beneficial.
On Sunday, 26th August we'll be at the King George V playing fields in Sittingbourne for a picnic on the grass from 2pm until approx 4pm. Come along and join us, all ages are welcome, bring your own food, something to sit on and your suntan lotion!
Come and join us on Wednesday, 8th August from 7pm for a tasty BBQ at the Watsons home in Sittingbourne. This is a chance for all those interested in supporting or connecting with Hope Sittingbourne to meet others exploring the same!
Please either email [email protected] or txt/phone 07708 948453 for more details and to let us know you are coming. Such a great afternoon with 70+ friends coming to hang with us at the Watsons #Sittingbourne housewarming. Truly wonderful to see some old friends as well as make a few new ones. Excited for all that is yet to come & deeply thankful for all that came before! #letsgetplanting #Hope #relationalmission
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January 2023