Hope Church Sittingbourne exists to...
Multiply the HOPE of Jesus in the hearts
of everyone, everywhere, everyday...
We define HOPE as disciples who observably...
Honour Jesus...
We recognise Jesus as the King of our lives.
We intentionally honour the person of Jesus & His Kingdom rule & reign in our everyday lives. |
Obey His Word...There are two authorities in the life of a disciple; the Word of God & the Spirit of God.
We encourage one another to read Gods Word & follow the leading of His Spirit as He inspires us towards faithful obedience & lasting transformation. |
Pray beyond themselves...Prayer is the oxygen of the Christian life.
We aspire to be a people who not only pray for one another, but who's spiritual hearts & minds are focused on the condition & needs of our wider world. |
Everyone a Witness...We each have personal stories to share of Jesus at work in our everyday lives.
We encourage one another towards Gospel confidence, so that Jesus Christ might be made known to everyone, everywhere, everyday through His words, works & wonders. |
Our partnerships & connections...Hope Church Sittingbourne are part of Relational Mission within the Newfrontiers family of churches.
We are a registered UK charity, members of the Evangelical Alliance and meaningfully partner with Sittingbourne Churches Together. |
"Hope is the conviction that God's love for us is unshakable, and His purposes for our lives will prevail."
Francis Chan