ABOUT US...Here's a little about the beginnings of Hope Church Sittingbourne, and the exciting journey we've been on so far!
Conceived in 2017...The initial conversations on planting Hope Church Sittingbourne were held on Wednesday, 4th October 2017 (over a pub lunch!).
Following a three-month sabbatical and in light of prophetic direction, the eldership team at Cornerstone City Church (Medway) began to make practical plans and preparations to send the Watson family to begin a new pioneering work into Sittingbourne in the Summer of 2018. |
Why Hope Church?On Thursday, 12th October 2017, during the Relational Mission church planting conference in Malaga, Gordon received prophetic revelation of the name of the new church. He shared it with only two trusted individuals, holding the name back, trusting that it would be confirmed at some future point by God.
On Wednesday, 6th December 2017, twenty-three leaders from across Kent based Relational Mission churches gathered together in Sittingbourne for a prayer breakfast at The Golden Hope pub. These leaders split into groups, prayer walking along the High Street to get a prophetic sense of Gods heart for the town. One group stopped on the corner, directly opposite the Swale Council offices, and as the group prayed, David King prophesied that the name of the new church should be 'Hope Church Sittingbourne' - Prophetic confirmation received just 8-weeks later! When the prayer groups returned to The Golden Hope for feedback, half of the prophetic prayer cards returned had specific mentions of this new expression bringing HOPE. |
Our Hope...At this point, we are now almost seven years into our story as a new church. We hope to have our very first eldership team appointed in the Spring of 2025, marking the transition from a church-plant to an established church community.
In many ways the adventure is just beginning, and we are hopeful many more people in-and-around Sittingbourne will become part of our Hope Church Sittingbourne family, as we continue to creatively share the Gospel of the Kingdom in all that we do... through words, works and wonders. We have been called by God to be a people who bring hope to the hopeless in practical everyday ways as we engage with our local community and demonstrate Christ-like compassion, one-by-one amongst our family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues. |